I tried many different settings but no luck so decided to create new thread.
Using File Attachment control in SmartForm I can't upload *.pdf file 6.5MB. Error message what I got is "The file could not be uploaded. Unforseen error occured on the file upload, contact your administrator." In browser console I can see that 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error is thrown.
I'm using K2 Five 5.5.
Tried to install latest CU and FixPack - No luck;
Tried to edit runtime and designer Web.Config files with those settings:
<add key="Forms.Designer.Controls.Attachment.MaxSize" value="2097151"/>
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" requestValidationMode="2.0" enableVersionHeader="false" sendCacheControlHeader="false" executionTimeout="9999" /> - no luck;
Tried to edit IIS "upladReadAheadSize" to value - 2147483647 - no luck.
No error entries in logfile.
*.pdf is in allowed file types.
Can someone suggest something else to solve this issue?