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I am trying to install a new custom control on a local server. Here's the link to the download for the control I got from the K2 community. We are currently using K2 Five 5.3 and are receiving the following error when trying to register the control in the command prompt:


"Searching assembly for control type definitions...

Found 0 control type definitions"


I have made sure to use the correct namespace and FullName in the control type definition XML file. The project builds in visual studio with no errors. DLL files are not blocked. Commands are being run as an administrator.As I said, the issue is occurring when I run register on the "controlutil.exe" file.

Hi Calvinjordan


See the link to install custom control below let me know if it works for you




Hi  @calvinjordan;


I used the link you shared to download the control,I tested this on k2 5.3, but also believe it should work for other previous versions as't was primarly designed for them. i just extracted the file ->copied dll file from the install sub-folder to the k2 blackpearl...K2 smartforms Designerin


then executed the registration protocol(admin privileged role) as depicted in the screenshot below, everything seemed to be successfully registered as verified in the other screenshot.


Hope you will get it sorted and find missing steps if any....


Kind Regards;


We tried the install without doing a build in VS first just like you did and we got it to work. Thanks!
