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Has anyone got any tips/example on how to create an editable list view against data from a REST service?

I want to make sure that the following is technically feasible:

1. Retrieve a Serialized array from REST Service, and Deserialize it into a List (through a SmartObject)

2. Create a List View based on SmartObject

3. Edit/Add/Delete buttons on List

4. Save button will Reserialize items and send data back (through method on REST Service SmartObject)

Is this the right approach or even possible? I think I know how to do step 1 - it's the linking onto a View I'm more concerned about.

I presume the list view can be generated automatically from the service smartobject? I don't know how data can be serialized and posted back?

Any guidance at all much appreciated!

Hi, this should be the best reading for you in this regard. 


It is also strongly encouraged to use server-side SmO calls to initially load the rest data into the view for performance benefits.
