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Hey All,


K2 newbie here.


I have a choice control which is of multiselect checkbox list type. Let's say it has Choice 1 and Choice 2. If I select Choice 1, it shoud show View 1 and same with Choice 2 showing View 2. If I unselect any of these choices, respective views should hide.


In the form rule, I'm using if "control contains specific value" condition to show and hide the views. This works when I select only one choice. But as soon as I select another value in checkbox, views don't appear. I have looked at using For -Each Looping but I coudn't get it to work. Looks like "control contains specific value" does direct compare and not "contains" compare.


What am I doing wrong?

Found the solution in "an advance condition" rule where I could use contains operator on the field which is bound to the checkbox. This bound field has all the values selected seperated by semicolon.
