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I am using a data label with an expression containing HTML to bold part of the text.  


When clearing the view using this label, it clears the expression, so that I need to use a transfer data to reload the control.  Even with this, I am seeing bizarre actions on my form.


Sometimes when the form first loads, the data labels are not displayed.  When I refresh the browser, sometimes, the data labels do not show on the form until after refreshing the form multiple times.


I also have a rule that when a control is changed, I set the properties on an expression.  This does not always execute.  It seems to work if I click back and forth on the same control, but if I click somewhere else on the form, and then come back to click on a control, it takes two clicks on the same control to know that it is changing.  This does not seem normal behavior to me.


Any work arounds to the rules someone can suggest?



My data label with the expression is in a complete cell all by itself, and it is sometimes not displaying and is cleared in K2 Five with a clear method.  This is different from K2 4.7


There is no watermark on a datalabel, so I don't understand the reference in the KB article.


I took a screen shot of the view with the datalabel.  The expression has some HTML tags for bolding, and I can add if necessary, but it should not make any difference to it showing up, or not showing up.


Does a clear method now clear all data including datalabels on a view?  If so, what should be the process for clearing the view after data entry in order to enter the new row values?



Please see the attachment for the rendering of the form...

trying again...

something in this software doesn't grab the updated file.


Changed the file name...

I worked with Nik from K2.  We proved that a clear was supposed to clear all the fields in the view including the datalabels with expressions.  We created a form using one of the views on version 5 as well as version 4.7, and so there is no bug specifically we could find.


We could not explain why the clear was not working the same with our form between the different forms, but Nik thought it was some rule conflict.


I found a work around for my situation with changes to the clear rule, so going with that to resolve my problem.




