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Barcode create and Scan - Need Help

  • 4 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi All,

My requirement is as below:- 

  1. When user create request, there will be barcode generated for each request and stored it into DB.
  2. Approver will receive barcode and he can scan barcode through K2 mobile app and it will validate in DB and provide information.

Is it possible to implement these using barcode control available within K2 5.6 version?


Thanks in advance.


  1. The barcode control can only be used for reading barcode id’s using the K2 mobile app, it does not generate barcode id or image.
  2. Once a barcode ID is stored in the DB, you can certainly use the barcode control to scan a barcode and check if it’s ID exists or matches the ID already in the database.
