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Hi Team,

I had ediatble list view and in List view i had 2 Auto complete control.  one is State and Another one is County

When user click on Editable grid first time he select Sate as California and Releated County say XYZ. 

But now when user came next time and click on Editable grid Auto complete box display CA and Related county now if user change state from California to Alabama which dont have any county so still my County text box display XYZ. How i can clear the County Textbox value if there is change in State.

I try to user Transfer data to clear the County on State change event but problem i seen that when i double click on list for edit mode it clear our the County text  as it called Change methd of every control

Please help me :)

Hello  @Tan, 


You should be able to achieve your desired behavior by using a "populate a list control with data" action in your rule instead of a "transfer data" action. If you use this, that your data should appear as normal when you double click the row to edit it but once you actually change the control, it will clear out the value that it was holding. 



