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I am using check box list of Choice control and because of large data scroll bar is displaying on the form.


So Is there any way to give word wrap to this control?


please provide any solution or work around for this issue.



Divya Raj

 Hi DR0607,


    you can do this by overriding CSS class properties,


Dropdown List Items will be available in below html structure.


<li class=”style1”> <a class=”style2”> <span class=”style3”>Item1</span></a><li/>

<li class=”style1”><a class=”style2”><span class=”style3”>Item2</span></a><li/>


 Use browser inspect option and to get class names for dropdown list and override below properties


  1. For List Item tag (i.e. <li>), override the height to **px (** height required to show on list)
  2. For anchor tag (i.e. <a>) which will be child tag of List item tag, override to properties
  • overflow: initial;
  • white-space: initial; 
  1. For span tag (i.e. < span >) which will be child tag of <a> tag, override to properties
  • overflow: initial;
  • white-space: initial; 

