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Nintex Community Menu Bar

K2 4.7

I have a form that will be used for reserving seating for some events, and a lot of people will be using it (some events 350 people, with about 8-10 of those events). I want to integrate a function that displays the available seats semi-realtime. Ideally I wanted to do it within 5 seconds, now I have it set to 15 seconds.
I have a rule that runs on the ticks of the timer control, and I query a smartobject asynchronously (because I though it would suppress the spinner) and I even unchecked spinner on the form advanced options, yet every 15 seconds I see the spinner and a flicker still. Has anyone encountered this issue? I want the seating availability to update often but without spinners and flicker. Is that possible?

Try running your refresh rule concurrently and see if that makes a difference

Unfortunately it does not seem to make a difference.
Thank you for the suggestion though

Hi davidedpg10,


Regarding that Form Property:

Selected by default. Enables a spinner display on the Form while the Form is loading at runtime. If the Spinner properties of Views and the Form is set to execute, the Form's spinner settings will override the spinners of the Views.


Have you disabled the spinner property on both Form and View level?



Sorry to revive this old thread but this is also a problem with the timer control on 5.3.


You should be able to set this property at the view level as some views you want to autorefresh without causing any distraction to the user, whilst other views you do need to indicate that a data load event is occuring and the user should wait for the spinner to complete.


Whilst not as complex as a seat booking system, if you wish to introduce a progress style bar which relies in checking a database for the request's current status this causes a nasty distracting flicker for the user.
