Hi SharpSharp1
Yes, this is possible.
On the editable list view you would need to do the following during Edit Mode:
1) On the "Add/Edit Item:" section make the two Time Control properties "ReadOnly"
2) On the Save button add two "Set Control Property" rules set the first rule to the first time control and ensure that you tick the checkbox next to the "Default Value" in the cofiguration section, also ensure that you set the ReadOnly to true/yes. Now do the same for the second time control using the second set control properties rule.
3) Add in the Time Button and again add two "Set Control Property" rules set the first rule to the first time control and ensure that you tick the checkbox next to the "Default Value" but this time also select the "Today (Current Date)" option in the cofiguration section and ensure that you set the ReadOnly to False/No. Now do the same for the second time control using the second set control properties rule.
4) Run your view, it should now behave as per your requirement. It will not allow you to provide a time unless you have clicked the time button which will then set the time controls to not be read only and to 12:00 AM, however once the save button is clicked it will then clear the time controls and set it back to read only, but the data you have saved will have saved correctly.
Kind Regards