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I have a small issue with assigning user tasks. I have the destination set as a SP group ( I even have a Data field consuming this particular SP group as input to get emails of the users). All the users are sent a notification with Worklist item as link, except one user. And this only happened for three days and everything is back to normal again. And this one user didn't remain constant, on the whole there were 4 worklist items which missed 2 different users when task is assigned to that particular SP group. There wasn't any error. I could see in the View flow that participants for that task missed one user, and at the same time i could populate all the Emails (In Process data) of users in the same SP group onto the Data field (Used for a different Notification Event).

Let me know if anyone had an issue similar to this or you happened to have an approach.



Hello Kaushik,


We have faced similar kind of issue after upgrading to 4.7. K2 workflow wont assign the the task to one of the user in the group. What we did to fix might sound weird to you but it actually worked. Just add a delay of 2 seconds to the client activity start rule and then redeploy the workflow.


Check this and let me know if it works. 



