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I am very new to K2 blackpearl and here at K2 community, therefore I apologise if I am asking anything stupid. I have two questions to ask:


Question 1) Is it possible to add an extra control (column) to a SmartObject List View?

Scenerio 1: I have a fixed list of products saved in a database table which has only one column "ProductName". I have built a SmartObject to list these products. Now I want to build a view in which I want to build a custom list of products (like a basket) using a picker which will use that SmartObject. Each time I add a product from the picker, it adds two columns in the list i.e. "ProductName" and "Department" where "Department" is an extra control (dropdown list) which should be editable.


Question 2) I would like to raise multiple instances of a K2 workflow on a form submission, Is it possible?

Scenerio 2: When I submit the form in scenerio 1 above, the custom list of products (basket) in scenerio 1 will determine the number of instances to start of that particular K2 workflow.


Please suggest how to achieve these two tasks, or direct me to the solution if someone else has raised these before.


Many Thanks.





The answer to your first question is yes. Once the column is added to the data source whether it be a SQL table or a SharePoint list the service instance will need to be refreshed and the smartobject recreated USING THE SAME GUID. Then the column will be available in the smartobject to use in the list.


The answer to your second question is to use a "For each" rule to loop through the items. You can say for each item in this list that meets this criteria action a workflow. The "For Each' rule is listed under Conditions in the rules menu.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Bryan Peters
