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I'm creating a smart form with a button "Reset and Refresh" that will clear any of the radio button groups, drop downs, etc. that i built into the from in order to filter data....That works great.


I'd love for the same button to ALSO clear out any value that's in the "Quick Search" field on the view.  I can't seem to make that work.  I've tried having the rule perform a clear method on the view, but the value that the user had types into the quick search field remains.  


Is there a way to do this?





Hi Rob,


It is possible, you will need to use Jquery to clear the search text box.


Add a data label and check Literal property.

Add an expression in your view/form and enter the following script:



<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ $('input[id$="_quickSearchTxt"]').val('');});</script>

When your Reset button is clicked , transfer the script/expression  to the data label then clear the data label.



Note: Clearing the data label after transferring the script will give you the ability to execute the script again but if you keep the value/script in the data label then transfer it again will not trigger it .


Hope this helps.

That works incredibly well!!!!  Thank you so much!




