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When the user of a form completes a form, we would like to send the user a link to the form he has just submitted.


Can we do this with K2 Designer 4.7 outside of using the workflow?  We can imbed a hyperlink to a form using HTML, but I do not see where we have Sequence_ID to specify the form the user filled out.  Is there anything in context browser to build a link?


We do not use K2 Studio, and we do not use the workflow currently.  If this is possible, I would need some steps to follow.




Wassap BK


Yeah man, this is doable, i use this on a few forms:


Simply do a SAVE on the form, then in the Output properties, put the return ID in a Funky Data Labal

Then do an Email Rule and enter in the URL of the form+SN=Funky Data Label

User gets email, clicks the link and opens that form.


All without having to mess about with Workflows :-)


K2 Studio is good, just have a play around with it.

Trust me when i say this, K2 studio is a godsend, it's way way better than the alternative -Visual Studio which makes you want to change career and become a PE teacher




I was expecting to get a value something like what is in workflow SN=596_26, but instead when building the link in email, I saved the ID from the return properties after a save and I got the unique ID of the smartbox object.


My link did not work, and I received an error message; both attached.


This is close, but apparently I followed a direction incorrectly.


How do I get the correct SN?



Ok try this instead:


Add a Parameter to your form, then when building your link (in the email), specifiy the Parameter + your ID (from the smartobject)


Then in the On initialize rule, say if a Parameter has been specified, do a LOAD method and pass in the input ID as your Paramater :-)



I am still not getting my link to work.  I have not added a parameter before, so maybe I am still not understanding the instructions.


I build the link, but the form is not loading.


Attached is my link, and my error.


Can you give me a screen shot of the email you send in an example?  Alternatively, if you correct my link, so that it would be what you intended, that may work.  I wasn't sure if I should put parameter in the URL in the email, or I should put the variable name of the parameter.  I tried both and both gave me an error.


Still trying!



I found my link as:


yada yada /Runtime/Runtime/Form/Inst+Tech+Funding+Request+form/?Request+ID=35


I was just not immediately understanding how to format the URL string with the parameter.


