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We are trying to allow form originators to redirect a task without being assigned a task specifically to do this.

For example... User A raises a form and nominates User B as the approver. User B is absent so User A needs to redirect the task to User C to complete.


We don't want to be in and out of workspace as admins all day just managing this scenario (we have one form where users struggle to identify the correct approver). There are some snippets of code on how to achieve this but we don't want to go down the custom code route unless absolutely necessary (and we would need to skill up or have very step by step instructions!).


Is there anyway to achieve a workable solution for User A to redirect to User C without code? Or do we just use timeouts to assign a task to the originator to change the approver?


Do we need to look into impersonating? - If everyone is allowed to impersonate could that have other implications?


Thanks in advance


Hi Dave,


withought code its not possible and code is very simple . so basically you will have to develope a redirect scenario custom code which will redirect the task.



Perhaps one of the custom broker below can be used to create a SmartObject that can call the Redirect method on SmartForms:

Thanks both


We are trying not to use the custom brokers, just in case an upgrade causes issues at some point.


Yes, code was the answer. Whilst not 'easy' (I'm sure it gets easier) it was not as difficult as imagined... took a few days, plenty of searches and some of head scratching but happy with the results :)

Nice, can you share the code for the solution. Facing the same challenge, and dont want to invent the wheel again, best regards David
