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one of my activites destination is set to Process Originator FQN. When I configure OOO tasks of this activity are not forwarded, but others are.

Hi Kg1,



Please make sure you are adding right  user  in   Out of office configutration  and also that user have process rights. 



the user has the correct process rights. Other activities of this workflow are forwarded to this user but not this activity.

Hi  Kg1,


            There are no such restrictions if destination user is assigned to originator then task will not be shared by Out Of Office feature. I already worked on this scenario where it works fine for me.


 Can u please share more details on this in screen shots , to have a look on it.




you can see the workflow in the attachment. The process is started via code. The activity "FIBU" is normally done by another group of users and should not last more than one day. After that the originator gets sometimes (rule dependent)  the task "Rückmeldung" but it can take serveral weeks until he can finish this task. For testing I also added user x to the destination group of activity "FIBU". If x starts an instance and  x's OOO is set to y, x and y gets the task "FIBU". But if the task "FIBU" is finished, only x gets the task "Rückmeldung".

Hi Kg1,


As mentioned by you problem is with "Rückmeldung" Activity where OOO rule  is not working. Please correct me if i m wrong.  Also shere ur OOO rule configuration.

I configured my OOO via my worklist. I forward all items to another user. I have no exceptions and no spefic OOO rules for any worflows or activities.


Hi KG1,


        Every thing looks fine can please check your log file for error.

Hi Kran,


I missed something... The representative I have chosen was part of the destination group of activity "FIBU". That was the reason he got the task of this activity. So it a has nothing to do with the Process Originator FQN or any settings. The OOO ist just not working in general. As I said I configured the OOO via my worklist but I checked the settings in my workspace too and they were similar.

Hi KG1,


       In this case it could be some configuration error,  can please check your log file for error and share them. This will help to know exact error for OOO.

Log files will  be available in  DriveName:{installation folder} K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin


