Hi, I'm using blackpearl 4.7 and was hoping I could get some direction on this project. I have a very large document set in SP 2013 with thousands of Customer document sets, each with many customer contracts in them. This was a seperate project where we migrated these from a file share, and tagged them. We have an external application written in .net that sends out emails to customers for varios reasons, the system is currently able to browse to the file share and attach the appropriate contracts to the email and send them out. The email functionality has to stay within the .net app unfortunately, or at least for now. I need to somhow replicate this part so we can select the contracts from SP. We can pass in a key value or two to grab a subset of contracts and then would have to let the user select from the subset which contracts they need to be attached to the email. I'm kind of a blackpearl novice, at this point anyway. I have a .net developer that will modify the external system. Thanks in advance for any advise on how to tackle this.