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How can i get a link to open read only form at the end of workflow 

New to K2 here.


On form load, you can set an advanced rule to check the satus and change the controls to read only from K2 Designer - Powered by K2 blackpearl

OK, but how can i store that in link, so I can go back and open forms from past in read only. I am struggling to generate actual link. I am trying to create list view of same form with ID and this read only view form link.




You can get the workflow status for that item from some location right? then you can get the status everytime form loads and then display it on read only.

Hi ArashSidhu,


               You can fetch completed task list using SMO "Process Instance" (available under WorkflowReports > WorkflowGeneral). by filtering with status="Completed".


Pass this list to view and on list item click  event based on folio or some unique id open a subview and show data on it. (you can use Status to make control as read-only.)


Let me know if it helps you.

Hello  @ArashSidhu,

There are a few ways to accomplish this. If you want to view an item that has been submitted and there is no workflow to produce a link you can create a search form. The way I do this is to create a list view and when the list view loads it uses the list method on the smartobject to list all items. I can then search all entries created on that smartobject. I then create a search form and drag the list view into that form. I create a rule 'when list item clicked' open a subform. Then I populate the controls of the subform. The subform is the entry view. 


On the Entry form you can create a state. Maybe the state is called Final State or Submitted State. When the form loads on this state on initialization a rule can be created "Specify edit state for view and forms controls". You can set each view to read only state. This way when the form loads it is read only.


The same can be done if you have a workflow. When you click on the link the workflow loads in a state. In the form you can create a rule on the final state "Specify the edit state for view and form controls". Set the form to open as read only. 


I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Bryan Peters

