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FG_SMartbroker is showing just 1MB free on the K2 server.


We can't save any changes to Smartforms at all.


I've ran a K2 Archive and also had Backups done on the DB, but the FG_Smartbroker will not free up space.


The K2 DB is showing 2.6GB free, so plenty of free space in the DB, but the Filegroup Smartbroker will not release space.


Any ideas?




Please see the post below.





Hi Vern,


Already tried that before posting, the shrink on the filegroup released a tiny 1.44mb (yes that's enough for an old style floppy disk).


Still stuck


1.  If you Right Click on the K2 database > Properties > Files, is the SmartBroker filegroup currently configured as such?

With AutoGrowth by 10 percent/unlimited?


2.  How does the Disk Space on the Drive that would hold this .ndf file look?

Hi Tin


1) Yes, the Smartbroker is set to Autogrowth by 10%, Unlimited


2) Drive holding the ndf has 40GB free



Are you using SQL Express Edition?

Got this fixed..........phew


It was due to the SQL express hitting that 4GB DB ceiling and not wanting to come back down.

After a frantic week, managed to upgrade it to SQL (proper version) and now filegroups are expanding...


