How to update custom task URL

  • 26 January 2021
  • 7 replies

Badge +4

I have a legacy K2 blackpearl workflow that uses a custom task item URL pointing to a custom ASP.NET application. How can I use the API to update this URL on existing active workflows, say if the server name part of the URL needs to change or if I wanted to change it from http to https?

7 replies

Badge +5

It it’s a k2 task url, it’s probably stored in the k2 database. You can write code to update those url in the k2 database directly.

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Open workflow file in K2 Studio, check the URL on User Activity.

Hello @oremac,


Here we have 2 scenarios


  • Task URL of task which is already created
    • All the task related activities are saved in K2 database under the table named  [Server].[WorklistHeader] and the task URL is saved under Data Column. So in case of server level change you can directly run the update query but make sure to have a K2 DB backup in case of any issues.
  • Task URL for upcoming task
    • You can update the Environment fields and String table from K2 Management and this will do the needful.



Divya Raj

Badge +4

Thanks @DRaj I looked for this in the database and was unable to locate it so this is very helpful.

So there is no way to update this field via the API? I’m OK with directly updating the database in our Dev/Test environments, but like to try and avoid this in our production environment. I just don’t want K2/Nintext support to be able to say they won’t support our environment because we directly updated the database…

Unfortunately the detailed object model documentation has not yet made it over from K2 to Nintex’s help site, so I’m kind of flying blind here.

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@oremac If you don’t tell k2 support they won’t know :)

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@Rusty02 good point… This thread will self destruct in 10 seconds.

oremac wrote:

Thanks @DRaj I looked for this in the database and was unable to locate it so this is very helpful.

So there is no way to update this field via the API? I’m OK with directly updating the database in our Dev/Test environments, but like to try and avoid this in our production environment. I just don’t want K2/Nintext support to be able to say they won’t support our environment because we directly updated the database…

Unfortunately the detailed object model documentation has not yet made it over from K2 to Nintex’s help site, so I’m kind of flying blind here.

You can find the table inside K2 DB, you can filter the table using Headers and you will get that.

And, regarding the Support policy, just take a DB backup as a precautionary measure and if you know what you are doing then you should be fine.


Divya Raj
