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Hello All.  I need some newbie help again. I am working with pulling in records from a table whereby it will use the out of the box AD service types to create AD accounts as well as assign groups. I am trying to figure out how to deal with the innate behavior of Workflows halting immedietely after it fails using the smartobject. For example, below are some snapshots showing in this case my For Each loop processing some records and if I were to use the Ad smart object to create an account and if it already existed it would error and halt. So then I added in calling the GetUserDetails to see if the account is there and try to do some logic to check the length of the email returned and if a value is there I do not need to create the account. However, if the account is not there, it halts immediately. Can someone help direct me to the best approach for exception handling and how to deal with this problem?


Thank again for your help!




 Hi Steven_rossi,


 That’s a good approach to check user existence before creating user in active directory.


But in case if you simply want to skip error during loop you can enable Exception rule for activity where you have Active directory Event.

This will help your loop to proceed further if event inside loop throw any error.


Let me know if this helps you.

