Hi, You can edit the smartobject in your K2 designer or K2 studio. To edit a smartobject, in your K2 designer navigate to the category where your smartobject is located, then either right click on it and select edit; or you can select ther smartobject and click on the edit button in the right side of the screen. once you get into the smartobject edit mode you'll find all the properties that was discoverd for your endpoint, on the right side of each field, you'll find a checkbox called "Required" uncheck the ones you don't want to make required then save and exist edit mode.
Keep in mind if you're endpoint method requires having values in those properties and you're passing them empty, the smartobject call will fail.
My SmartObject designer does not have an option to set or reset "required" property of the method paramaters. But I figured out I can set paramater as SCNULL and
SmartObject will execute Web Service without errors.