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I have created custom contol like below.


Custom Control Code(TestCustom.cs)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

//SourceCode.Forms.Controls.Web.SDK.dll, located in the GAC of the smartforms server or in the bin folder of the K2 Designer web site
using SourceCode.Forms.Controls.Web.SDK;
using SourceCode.Forms.Controls.Web.SDK.Attributes;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

namespace Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.CustomSmartFormServerControl

 public class TestCustom : BaseControl
     private StringBuilder _htmlContent = new StringBuilder();

     public TestCustom()
     : base("div")



     protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)


     protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
            bool _designMode = base.State.Equals(SourceCode.Forms.Controls.Web.Shared.ControlState.Designtime);
            if (!_designMode)
                   _htmlContent.AppendLine("<input type='radio' name='testRadio' value='1' " + (Enabled ? "" : "diabled") + " /> Test");
                 _htmlContent.AppendLine(" Test]");



     protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)
           if (_htmlContent.Length <= 0)





Custom Control Definition(TestCustom_Definition.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

      <DisplayName>Test Custom</DisplayName>
      <FullName>Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.CustomSmartFormServerControl.TestCustom,        Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl</FullName>
          <Prop ID="IsEnabled" friendlyname="Enabled" type="bool" category="General" refreshdisplay="true" setFunction="SetControlIsEnabled">
          <Prop ID="IsVisible" friendlyname="Visible" type="bool" category="General" refreshdisplay="true" setFunction="SetControlIsVisible">


K2 Form Designer





Disable/Hide control rules are not working for Custom Control.


Please help me to solve this issue.


Please take a look at the sample project included in the K2 Developer section located here


I found the solution for this issue.


Need to add the Js file to set value for enable or visible property.




(function ($) {
if (typeof (Mpa) == "undefined") {
Mpa = {};

if (typeof (Mpa.Procurement) == "undefined") {
Mpa.Procurement = {};

if (typeof (Mpa.Procurement.K2) == "undefined") {
Mpa.Procurement.K2 = {};

if (typeof (Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl) == "undefined") {
Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl = {};

if (typeof (Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.TestCustom) == "undefined") {
Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.TestCustom = {
_getInstance: function (id) {
//alert("_getInstance(" + id + ")");
var control = jQuery('#' + id);
if (control.length == 0) {
throw 'TestCustom '' + id + '' not found';
} else {
return controlr0];

//retrieve a property for the control
getProperty: function (objInfo) {
//alert("getProperty(" + + ") for control " + objInfo.CurrentControlId);
if ( == "value") {
return Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.TestCustom.getValue(objInfo);
else {
return $('#' + objInfo.CurrentControlId).data(;

//set a property for the control. note case statement to call helper methods
setProperty: function (objInfo) {
switch ( {
case "isvisible":
case "isenabled":
$('#' + objInfo.CurrentControlId).data( = objInfo.Value;

//helper method to set visibility
setIsVisible: function (objInfo) {
//alert("set_isVisible: " + objInfo.Value);
value = (objInfo.Value === true || objInfo.Value == 'true');
this._isVisible = value;
var displayValue = (value === false) ? "none" : "block";
var instance = Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.TestCustom._getInstance(objInfo.CurrentControlId); = displayValue;

//helper method to set control "enabled" state
setIsEnabled: function (objInfo) {
alert("set_isEnabled: " + objInfo.Value);
value = (objInfo.Value === true || objInfo.Value == 'true');
this._isEnabled = value;
var instance = Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.TestCustom._getInstance(objInfo.CurrentControlId);
instance.readOnly = !value;


Embed the Js file in Custom Control


passembly: WebResource("Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.CustomSmartFormServerControl.TestCustom_Script.js", "text/javascript", PerformSubstitution = true)]

namespace Mpa.Procurement.K2.CustomSmartFormControl.CustomSmartFormServerControl


 public class TestCustom : BaseControl

     // Your implementation



Include the Js methods in Definition XML




<!-- IsEnabled is used to enable/disable the control -->
<Prop ID="IsEnabled" friendlyname="Enabled" type="bool" category="General" refreshdisplay="true">

<!--IsVisible is used to show or hide the control -->
<Prop ID="IsVisible" friendlyname="Visible" type="bool" category="General" refreshdisplay="true">



