This is the error I get if I try to add the reference as a service:
Hi all,
If no one can help me in my problem, can someone at least help me find another way to integrate a web service into my process using VS2015 ...maybe using smart objects...
The K2 4.7 version I'm using is 4.16060.2000.3
Thanks in advance
Not sure about the issue of not being able to add a reference with K2 4.7 in Visual Studio. However, its probably not the best way to try and integrate with web services anyways. Exposing the web service through SmartObjects if much more flexible.
Take a look at the End Points Web Service Service Object.
As well here is another video which is a demonstration of how to use it and will probably make much more sense than your first read through the documentation.
What is your current .NET Framework?
I have seen this before where the error is thrown when on .NET 4.5 and adding a service reference.
Try rolling back to .NET 4.0 or use "EndPoint WCF"
Thank you Timkn and Kallie for your replies.
After desperation and hours of installing and uninstalling K2 4.7 client tools, VS2015, .NET Framework 3.5, 4, 4.5, 4.6.1, etc... I was able to solve the problem.
Opened the solution in K2 Studio, went to File tab, and Options and there I changed the target Framework to .NETFramework 4.0.
Then added the web reference and IT WORKED!!! Changed the target Framework to .NETFramework 3.5 and stopped working again.
So now I know... and its Framework to .NETFramework 4.0
In VS2015 I could not find the option to change a K2 process target Framework.
Anyway, many thanks for your help guys. Also I'm going to take a look to the links you posted Timkn!!!