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Im hitting a brick wall at the moment, what i need to do is get multiple list items (user's email addresses). 

On my SmartForm Im using execute smart object method -> get list items, but it only returns 1 (first) value. Is there a way to collate all these into 1 field or send email for each?

I prefer to do it all in a smart form and dont get  workflow involved. I was able to do it in InfoPath (web browser and no code), surely SmartForm can do it.


Thanks in advance for any help.

I can only see one way of doing this but it means writng some code. Write a custom service object and then call that smartobejct that gets the list of email addresses and then loop through the results of the smartobejct method and then concatenate the fields. Then return one field of concatinated email addresses. 

Thank you, is there a way for a workflow to do it without any custom code?

Did anyone find a solution for this without writing code?



I thing you can write a stone procedure in DB and it returns a string which is combined with email address.

Then build up a SmartObject to use it in a workflow.




I know it is a bit late but since there is no valid solution to this Question and I've just encountered a similar problem, I wanted to share my solution with you guys.


On a SmartForm I have two ListViews. The second one only represents temporary data and won't be saved to a database. I needed to build a Json-String from some fields of the second ListView. To do that I needed something like a add-method for one field. I've just created two hidden datalabels and built an expression which concatenates the two hidden fields. Then in a for-each-rule i transfered data to the one field (i called it helper-field) and then transfered the expression to the second field. After that I empty the helper-field. 


This works fine and you can add your own delimiters to the string. 


Hope that helps!


Best regards,

Sparrow aka. Tim

What I would do is:


Create Param EmailArray

Create Param TempEmail

Create View with Email List / Filtered or Not

Expression To Concat The Emails.

Outbound Rule to Transfer Data


Here we go...


Put the View Email List in your Form o Can be hidden and Collapsed ]

Create Outbound Rule with the For Each Item in the list....

Call Transfer Data to the Expression Current Email from the List to the Param TempEmail

Call Transfer Data to the Expression Concat TempEmail to the EmailArray

Continue the loop at the end of the loop you will have the Param Email Array with the "," concat of all the email addresses.



Use this to email or whaterveryou need to do....


Hope this helps.

Can you provide a screen shot or more instruction on this?


I have a list view that populates values linked to logged in user.  I want to filter another list based on these values on a click of an image. 


I'm running into issues building out the steps below.


I created 2 parameters  (TeamName /  TeamArray)


I tried creating an expression but am not sure what values to put in there and when.  I've tried Concat & Join.  I only get the 1st or last record in the view.

Any guidance on this would be amazing! 




Any solution, i am also having the same issue. any help is appreciated.



I'm still waiting for a valid solution with better examples / screenshots to figure this out. It's come up for me in requirements more than 1 time and I'm struggling.
