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I'm using Getusers list method to populate a list and pulling the Name, Display Name and Email from AD.


The list is displaying the Name field as Domian/userid.


I want to just display the userid without the domain part.


I tried using an expression on that field, but it won't accept "Name" as a parameter in the expression?


I was trying to use an expression with Replace in, but won't accept Name from ADUser Smartobject.


Any ideas how to achieve this?

Hi Sharpharp1,


I'm assuming the DOMAIN portion is rather consistient?  (ex.  Same domain each time)

Try using an inline function to format the data using regexp.

I managed to get it to match USER with (.*)




Hi Mike,


Firstly, just want to say a big thank you for your continued help with my questions, much appreciated.


Ok, so yes is the answer is all the rows for returned users have the same "domain" in front of their UserID.


Can you give me an example of how to do this regexp you mention? The only way I thought I could do this is using an Expression on the column in the View (but like I said K2 Designer it will not let me do an expression on the same column) - Something about Circular expresssions are not allowed.





Hi Sharpharp1,


Can you post a screenshot of where you have the rule set up?  If it doesn't like it on the view, perhaps you could use it on the "output mappings" of your smartobject call?



Hi all,


Still having this issue.


Any ideas?


I added a seperate column on the list view, left in assigned to no fields.

Then did an expression to do a trim on the UserID Column data label, but it won't display anything.


As previously said, it won't allow me to do an expression on the AD field if it assigned to this column


Any ideas?
