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the Store Procedure in SQL is taking 28 secords to execute and generate data

but same SP when called as advance-smart-object in ListView, it is taking more than 2 mins to load same data

how can i reduce K2 Listview execution time


my steps are -- when search button is clicked, Then on View exceute the List Method


 It should not take this long to write to SQL or execute the list method. A couple of things come to mind. The first question I have is how many items are in the SQL table? If you are calling a list method I wonder how it is configured. The view can be limited to 10 or 20 items to be displaed at a time using the paging option. If it is more than this you might run into the list method taking its time. Another thing to look at is the check box on the view under the general tab that says call this method when the form loads. Make sure that is unchecked as it sounds like you only want to call the list method on click. 


Another thing I have found that causes slow response is on the server that hosts K2. Sometimes a process gets hung up and starts using a large amount of memory. This is usually an IIS worker process or a K2 process. I used to go in an end the process manually however, we wrote a script to use the Windows timer service to restart IIS on a nightly basis. This has minimized the problem. I hope this helps.



Bryan Peters

the stored procedure is returning 6000 Rows and taking 23 secs

same Smartobject (Advanced SMO) getting List view in K2 takes a verylong time

we have set 10 items per row and we have to always manyally stop the process which sometimes leads to issues with users
