Drop Down List Empty Selection shows data

  • 12 April 2017
  • 4 replies

The dropdownlist shows the value from Sharepoint list even if I select the empty field.  The data saved on the list is correct and goes as empty but the UI keep on showing the value from the list.


If  I select other value (not empty), the correct value is saved but if I select the empty field, the text defaults to the saved data from sharepoint list. On save, it is saving the empty field to sharepoint though.


How do I change it to show the empty selected.

4 replies

Badge +15



It will help if you can provide a little more details.


1. Where is your drop down list getting its values from?


2. What are the SharePoint list/library that are being involved here?


3. Where is your data being saved to? The same list as where your drop down list gets its values from?


4. Some screenshots will be helpful.

Thanks for the update. 


1. Where is your drop down list getting its values from?

The values are stored in another list and I am getting the options at runtime using smartobject (Get list items from another list). The value is saved in the sharepoint list (column= dropdownlist). Options are not updated to the destination sharepoint list.


2. What are the SharePoint list/library that are being involved here?

SharePoint list. (source - separate list and destincation is a column in the list)


3. Where is your data being saved to? The same list as where your drop down list gets its values from?

The data is stored in the separate list.


4. Some screenshots will be helpful.

I have attached the screenshot of the dropdown list. Even if I select the blank selection, the dropdown list still shows the saved data from the list.

Anyone have a solution?

Badge +5

good day sshr, have you try it on the latest version of K2?
