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After the process of Cleanning all the existing views, forms, SMOs from the assigned category at K2 designer and SharePoint list had issues in clearing the associated GUIDs from backend tables due to which the deployment process is not successfull and ended.



We cleared up the environment again to overcome the SMO issue and taken package alone for the specific listscontains all views, forms, designer WF’s] from dev. We cleared all views, forms, SMO’s from Tester tool, designer, WF’s from Workspace, checked for any forms/views any references from database.


Again we created SMO’s from SharePoint list, verified Smart Object methods, Smart Object associations.During this activity, deployment process went to hung state. All forms, views where checked out to my Id. This caused due to partial deployment process. Even I am not able to see from designer (because K2 takes AAD account to login)to check in the forms & views. We tried to fix the problem by force check-in forms & views from back end, but the query didn’t show up any results. We got struck there where we can’t find these forms & views designer and backend.


Queried against each table to identify the ORPHAN GUIDs for each view and forms and try to clean up, however, still we ended with GUID references are still active on some tables and due to which the forms, views associated to those GUIDs are checked out state


We completely spent 10 hours for the deployment in all possible ways but we had no luck. Please advise

Hi  @ashok2rud12,


Please note for future reference that direct Database modification is not advisable.  Will it be possible to attach a screenshot of the errors you are seeing within P&D ?


Kind regards, 


