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Hi all,


From a user experience there is a good 10 second delay between a user submitting a form and it navigating to another form (this other form says something like "thanks for submitting the form" etc etc. This results in the user wondering if they had clicked the submit button....


I know why the delay is, because when a user submits the form, I create a PDF, i do a couple of Email events and also a delete smartobject action, then I navigate to the Thank you form.


My question is.... Is it possible to get it navigate to another form and still process all the above actions? If i put Navigate to another form at the top of my list of actions, would the rest of my actions not run?


At the moment the Navigate to another form is at the bottom of my list (under the rule, when Save PDF is complete)



Hi Sharpharp1,


Is it an option to use Create PDF From URL method? 

I think if you execute this method, you don't need to wait until the PDF is created.



You can find this method in the PDF converter smartobject.


As far as I know, you cannot navigate to another form before executing all actions on the form, otherwise the request is corrupted.


Hi Mustafa,


Thanks for the swift reply. I thought that would be the case, i noticed that sometimes things were not processed if you navigate to another form before other actions.

Is there a way of messing about with the order (i.e. asynchronously /  a batch / concurrently) to see if that would work? Currently i use the "one after another" default.


I've never used the save pdf from URL, i'll have a look at that and see how that works.


