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Hello Guys,


Could some one help me with default REST Service which returns complete Worklist.


I'm aware of this Endpoint http://k2-denallix/k2services/REST.svc/Worklist/Items which is returning only the worklist items of particular user running this URL. I would like to get complete worklist items of all users.


Appreciate any Help!!




I believe the K2Services Rest.svc only return worklist items for the current user, as this is likely only interacting the 'SourceCode.Workflow.Client' API; I do not believe there is an endpoint exposed to return the worklist items for all users.

Although this is possible, if you were to write your own REST service against the 'SourceCode.Workflow.Management' API, which can return the 'global' worklists (the worklist for all users):

Depending on your requirement and how you would like to access this data (web services, direct api call, service broker, etc.), perhaps one of the following broker would also work:

Thanks for reply Tin,


I'm aware of these Workflow.Management sourcecode api's which we can use to write custom code, but the client doesn't allow me to go for any custom code. he wants to me to achieve things only with OOB.


But any ways its confirmed that the default REST.svc  to get complete worklist is not avaiable. I wasn't sure about that.


Thanks Again,



