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How dow we implement the single sign on(SSO) with SAML way of authentication against the Azure Active Directory services (AAD). As per the documentation below, K2 supports SAML authentication for SSO. Documentation has the list of steps to achieve the OAuth way of SSO with AAD, but has no steps detailed to achieve the same for SAML way doing with Azure Active Directory.


Does anyone have got the documentation or detailed steps to achieve the SAML way of Single Sign On with Azure Activie Directory. 


Documentation :




Good day,


Please see below documentation that deals with the query you are having with regards to SAML, please refer to claims part.


Kind regards



Hi Prasant,


What version of K2 are you running?


The documentation you are referring to is for K2 4.6.7.



Hi  @Gareth , Currently we are using 4.7 version of K2. 


do you have any updated link from K2 for Version 4.7 as well ?? .




Hi Prasant,


As Themba mentioned above, here is the relevant documentation:


However, please keep in mind, K2 does not use SAML-P as they use the Microsoft WIF so K2 only supports WS-FED and OAuth, however, K2 does support claims tokens in SAML 1.1 and 2.0 format.


I would suggest you contact your Customer Account Manager, and ask them to direct you to the Professional Services team for further assistance. 


Hope this helps.



Just to know if anyon has implemented the SAML way of authentication/Claiming the token. Please share your inputs




Dear All,

Has anybody achieved this with custom authentication providers?

