I have a workflow that basically kicks off a stored procedure to run after an ETL tool drops items into a database staging table. Part of the workflow counts the number of items added to the actual work items table from the staging table. I have it scheduled to run once per hour. It works well.
Unfortunately, sometimes the ETL fails or has an issue and the workflow will happily write 0 items to the work items table because it doesn't know any better.
I'd like to set up a a path in the workflow that if 0 items get written, it sends me an email letting me know.
As the workflow runs once an hour (even after business hours) and I do NOT want it to send me an email on any 0 items written instance between say 6pm and 7am the next morning, I'd like to put as part of the line rule for it to only execute the email action when the time is between 6pm and 7am. I'm sure that's possible via an expression but I'm having a hard time coming up with it. (I'm not great with expressions at all).
So, how do I write an expression (or maybe not an expression if there's an easier way) to say the specific hours of 6pm and 7am? Thoughts?