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When I query an Activity Instance Destination SO with an instance ID I get data.  When I use that same smartobject in a list view I get data as well.  If I use that same view or smartobject within a workflow it does not return data (i'm feeding the smartobject that creates a PDF of the url and added a delay so that the page has time to load).  I did see the following article ( but this is not the case because it still does not show the information after a delay when it shows it in the tester.  The service isntace is using the K2 Service Account.  Also, link above references getting the information from the "Workflow process itself should be queried" but I'm not sure what they are talking about being that I'm trying to feed data to a list view. 

There could be a process level permissions difference.


Perhaps when it is running in the List View, it is running as your account, and your account have Admin or View process rights on the process that it is reporting on.


When running within a process it is running as the K2 Service Account; perhaps try giving the K2 Service account Admin/View process rights to the same process and retesting.

I have same issue, I provided k2 service account permissions to workflow but smartobject do not return anything.
