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Hi, all! 

I am attempting to create a proposal based on the Salesforce order object. I have everything working fine except when it comes to the dynamic inclusion of templates. I have four products each having it's own product family.  Each of the templates represents the product information for one of the products.  I want the templates to be included only when the respective product is added to the order. 


For some reason I get one but not the others or I get none. I have tried using different tags from the order product object, but I can't get it to work properly. 


Does anyone know what I'm missing?   


Thank you in advance!

Hi @cnunemaker,


That condition is only checking the first record in the related list, not all items and that is why you are seeing the current behaviour. As you only have four product familys, I would suggest creating four alias relationships(, filtered by product family. You can then use the tags from each of those relationships as the condition on your template. Just let me know if you have any questions.



Thank you for getting back with me.  I do have aliases setup for ea product related to their product family. Originally, I was using the tag <<Product_Family>> for each of my documents and limiting it to the associated alias, but it wasn't working.  The problem **I think** is that when I go to the field tagger, product family doesn't exist under OrderProduct, so I have to choose product to get that field into my settings. The aliases are working great to pull the quantity and dollar amounts associated with each type of product, but it just doesn't limit the templates being pulled in properly.  I hope this provides enough info to help me out. 


Hi @cnunemaker ,


It won't show in the field tagger but you can use the following tag structure(<<Alias_Product2.Family>>) to compare the family from the lookup on your alias relationship. 



Should it look like this? I'm still not getting the right output. Nothing pulls over except the two I have included "always".


Ok, I changed out alias for the actual alias and it's working!!!
