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I have a package that uses a Custom Object as its primary object and I get an Invalid Id Field error when I using Create/Edit Record on the Delivery Options.  I have Update existing record checked and the record Id is used in the Field-Value Pairs box.  I am able to add a new child record and create a task but not update the starting record.  Here is the resulting error:

An error has occurred when performing an Insert-Update: Error: Create Failed: INVALID_ID_FIELD: Record ID: id value of incorrect type: -- Id (ExternalError) 


Do you have a screenshot of the field value pair that we can take a look at?

The Custom Object is named Meal Calendar.  I would like to record the time that the package was run on this object.


The tags typically looks like the API name without the __c. Could you check the field tagger for the Record ID tag? The tag should look like <<Meal_Calendar_Id>>. We recommend always copying straight from the field tagger to avoid typo issues.

Thanks.  I didn’t notice the Record Id field was being populated incorrectly as a default when I checked “Update existing record”.  It works now.
