We are using this to generate legal documents.
Here is the structure of things:
...Point of Contact (links accounts and contacts to the case, for example 2 Defendants, both Defendants Attorneys/Law Firms and an Insurance company with that Insurance company's claim #)
.......Affiliation (links different points of contacts to each other, for example a Defendant1 and their Attorney1 and
their Insurance account)
On the Point of Contact object, there is a relationship established to the 'Affiliation' object. One of those relationships is for Insurance. The claim # for the Insurance is currently stored on the Point of Contact object.
PROBLEM: When I generate a document from the Point of Contact Defendant 1 record, it pulls in Attorney 1 and the Insurance. However, I can't get the Claim#. I created a formula field on the Affiliation object to house the Point of Contact Claim#. I included the tag for this formula field of 'Claim #', and although a value is present on the page in Salesforce, Drawloop doesn't bring over the value.