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Hi All,


I have a Salesforce Javascript button that calls a Nintex URL (see below) to display a list of docGen templates to generate, each template having their own Delivery Options.   I need to restrict the Delivery options for a specific button.


Does anyone know what the correct parameter to pass on the URL for the specific Delivery Option Name of the DocGen Packages?  E.g. Mail (SFTP), Email, Attach, etc.   I tried differerent properties, different combinations i found on the support site with no luck.   Appreciate any help!


var redirectUrl = "/apex/loop__looplus?&eid={!Program_Member_MVN__c.Id}&ddplabel=document&filter={!Program_Member_MVN__c.Program_Id_MVN__c}-PM&filterType=startswith";

Hi @mark_greenberg,


Filtering the delivery option is done using the &deploy parameter(




Thank you for the link.  It looks like the &deploy parameter only defaults the delivery option if there's multiple delivery options in a Nintex Package.  Is there a way to include only 1 delivery option and remove the rest using the parameters instead of having to create multiple Nintex packages for each delivery option?



There is no way to have different delivery options shown based on a condition. You can hide delivery options using the limit availability option but they will not show. Does the user need to be able to select a DDP, you could pass the ddp id, deploy id then use autorun so they don't see any select options. Otherwise yes you would need to do multiple packages. 
