
  • 15 April 2017
  • 2 replies



I am trying to kick off a DDP to generate a PDF, which would be attached to a parent record.  I am doing this through Apex, and it appears that I can use the following to do so:


Loop.loopMessage.send(appId, ddpId, new Map<string, string>{
'deploy' => 'attach',
'SFApplication__c' => appId


where appId  = the custom object record Id, ddpId is the Id of the DDP to run, and I have an "attach" delivery option specified.


When I run this I get an all clear from Apex and the log gives me no information once the call is made.  I have no indication if this send message actually got called properly.  In addition, I don't know how I can monitor the job to even make sure it's running.


Is there a code sample out there that would allow me to do what I'm looking to do - i.e. given a record Id, a DDP Id, and a deployment Id or deployment string, kick off a DDP and attach the PDF to the record Id I specify?





2 replies

Hi! I have the same problem. Have you found the solution?

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Hi Scott,


I would recommend creating an Attach delivery option, and specifying the Id in the variables map instead of using the keyword "attach". You also do not need to include the Id for the SFApplication__c object in the variables map (since it's already been specified). Additionally, to monitor any activity, use the Job Queue. You're probably going to have to enable it for your user, but once you have access to the Job Queue, you'll be able to see any kind of automated document processes that you've kicked off. 


The Job Queue can be found in DocGen Admin >> Configuration >> Job Queue Status

To enable it for your user navigate to Setup >> Develop >> Custom Settings. Then hit "Manage" next to Nintex DocGen Settings. Hit "New" on the related list at the bottom of the page, and select either your user or your profile. Be sure to check the checkbox "Job Queue Status Enabled", and hit save. 

Once you've done that, you can navigate back to the Job Queue in DocGen Admin and see any requests that have been made.
