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I've created a test DocGen Package where my primary object is Opportunity.  I created a relationship from Opportunity to Opportunity Partner by the OpportunityId.  I then tried to set a filter where the role = Affiliate.  I then added the field tag <<OpportunityPartner_AccountTo>> into my template.  Seems pretty straightforward...return me the opportunity partner where the role chosen was Affiliate.  


I then created an opportunity, specified several partners, only one of which was listed as the Affiliate.  Generated my PDF file, but nothing pulls into my document for the Affiliate.  


Ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?

Hi @karla_goodman,


This may indicate the filter criteria is not matching. I would suggest using the lookup data feature on the field tagger( to check the value of the role field. You could also try removing the filter to confirm it is the issue. If you are still unable to get it working after confirming the filter I would contact the support team.

Thanks for the reply.  The problem ended up being something quirky with the Lightning Experience DocGen Designer.  We turned that slidebar off and back on and it magically started working.  I ended up getting support involved.  :-)
