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I notice one can create a workflow to auto-magically generate documents via a Workflow which invokes the Nintex webservices.  This process requires one or more Drawloop_Next# fields because each step is mutually disconnected, and so these fields are used to pass the various parameters such as attachments or delivery method.

I notice when using the client-side Javascript button, all the parameters necessary for Nintex to generate the desired document are sent right up to Nintex just fine w/o any need for Drawloop_Next# fields; the user just clicks the button and checks the attachments (if any) and the delivery method.


Could not an Apex Trigger invoke an Apex class (decorated with @Future of course) to automate the process similar to a Workflow, but possibly w/o the need to create one or more Drawloop_Next# fields since the Apex class could implement the rules regarding which attachments or which delivery method? In essence, could not an Apex trigger invoke the same end-point as the client-side Javascript?

It definitely can be called from Apex.  We started with the Drawloop Next method as it did not require code and deployment.  This should point you in the right direction. 

Many thanks to Vincent Cabral for that exceptionally fruitful source.  Clearly some knowledge will only come from experience, but that answer sets one off in the perfect direction.

I'm trying to go down the Drawloop_Next path.  Looking for all the items that can be included in these fields.  Unfortunately, the reference included above results in "Page not found".  Is this documented elsewhere?

Check this one out.  It might not be detailed enough, but it could be a start.
Workflow DocGen Packages 

hi folks. 

I tried following the link in the answer, but it looks like it's getting a page not found error.  Has this page moved?

Thank you!
