
Document Generation Token Mapping Method Custom Class instead Dataraptor

  • 24 January 2023
  • 1 reply


I have a Vlocity Document Template which needs to fill through a custom class. (Token Mapping Method).

When a run the doc generation by OmniScript (client-side), the document tokens are filled with blanks. I don´t know what´s wrong. Anybody can help me? The Custom Class is below.


global without sharing class PME_QuotePDF implements vlocity_cmt.VlocityOpenInterface2{


    global Object invokeMethod(String methodName, Map<String, Object> input, Map<String, Object> output, Map<String, Object> options)


        Boolean success = false;



            if (methodName == 'getTokenData'){

                getTokenData(input, output, options);

                success = true;


        } catch (Exception e){

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Exception type caught: ' + e.getTypeName());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Message: ' + e.getMessage());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Cause: ' + e.getCause());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Line number: ' + e.getLineNumber());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Stack trace: ' + e.getStackTraceString());



        System.debug('invokeMethod:output -> ' + output);

        System.debug('invokeMethod:success -> ' + success);

        return success;


    global static Boolean getTokenData(Map<String, Object> input,  Map<String, Object> output, Map<String, Object> options)


        System.debug('########## START PME_QuotePDF.getTokenData');

        try {

            System.debug('INPUT: '+input);

            System.debug('OPTIONS: '+options);

            Id quote_Id = (String)input.get('contextId');

            System.debug('quote_Id: '+quote_Id);

            Map<String, QuoteLineItem> mapString = new map<String, QuoteLineItem>();

            TransformGetQuoteDetails pW = new TransformGetQuoteDetails();

            pW.products = new List<CustomProduct>();

            Map<String, List<CustomProduct>> mapPDFWrapper = new Map<String, List<CustomProduct>>();

            Quote quote = [SELECT Opportunity.Account.FormattedDocument__c, Opportunity.Account.NameFull__c, QuoteNumber, CreatedBy.Resale__c, ProposalProductsAmount__c, Validity__c, CommercialConditions__c, CreatedBy.Email, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedBy.MobilePhone

                           FROM Quote

                           WHERE Id =:quote_Id


            List<QuoteLineItem> listQuoteLn = [Select id, Quantity, Product2.Name,vlocity_cmt__AssetReferenceId__c, ReliesOnReferenceId__c, UnitPrice, TotalPrice, product2.vlocity_cmt__Type__c FROM QuoteLineItem WHERE QuoteId =:quote_Id];

            for(QuoteLineItem quoteLn : listQuoteLn){

                mapString.put(quoteLn.vlocity_cmt__AssetReferenceId__c, quoteLn);


            for(QuoteLineItem quoteLn : mapString.values()){


                // DADOS APENAS DE TESTE

                pW.BusinessDocumentNumber = quote.Opportunity.Account.FormattedDocument__c;

                pW.CustomerFullName = quote.Opportunity.Account.NameFull__c;

                pW.CustomerQuoteNumber = quote.QuoteNumber;

                pW.DealerFullName = quote.CreatedBy.Resale__c;

                pW.GrandTotalPriceValue = String.valueOf(quote.ProposalProductsAmount__c);

                pW.ProposalValidity = (Integer)quote.Validity__c;

                pW.RTB_CommercialCondition = quote.CommercialConditions__c;

                pW.SalesEmail = quote.CreatedBy.Email;

                pW.SalesFullName = quote.CreatedBy.Name;

                pW.SalesMobilePhoneNumber = quote.CreatedBy.MobilePhone;

                // DADOS APENAS DE TESTE


                String reliesOnId = quoteLn.ReliesOnReferenceId__c;

                Boolean hasParenteQuote = mapString.containsKey(reliesOnId) ? true : false; //quoteLn é filho de alguém?

                QuoteLineItem parenteQuote = hasParenteQuote ? mapString.get(reliesOnId) : null;


                    CustomProduct cProd = new CustomProduct();

                    String quoteType = quoteLn.product2.vlocity_cmt__Type__c;

                    String parentType = parenteQuote.product2.vlocity_cmt__Type__c;

                    if(parentType == 'Franquia' && (quoteType == 'Bonus' || quoteType == 'Aparelho')){

                        switch on quoteType {

                            when  'Bonus' {

                                    QuoteLineItem planQuote = mapString.get(parenteQuote.ReliesOnReferenceId__c);

                                    cProd.ProductFullName = planQuote.Product2.Name;

                                    cProd.Franchise = parenteQuote.Product2.Name;

                                    cProd.QuantityLineValue = (Integer)parenteQuote.Quantity;

                                    cProd.Bonus = quoteLn.Product2.Name;

                                    cProd.UnitPriceLineValue = parenteQuote.UnitPrice;

                                    cProd.TotalPriceLineValue = parenteQuote.TotalPrice;


                                        for(List<CustomProduct> listPDFWrapper : mapPDFWrapper.values()){

                                            for(CustomProduct pdfW : listPDFWrapper){

                                                if(pdfW.Bonus == ''){

                                                    pdfW.Bonus = cProd.Bonus;

                                                }else if(pdfW.Bonus == cProd.Bonus){

                                                    pdfW.QuantityLineValue = pdfW.QuantityLineValue + cProd.QuantityLineValue;

                                                    pdfW.TotalPriceLineValue = pdfW.TotalPriceLineValue + cProd.TotalPriceLineValue;







                                        mapPDFWrapper.put(cProd.Franchise, new List<CustomProduct>{cProd});



                            when  'Aparelho' {

                                    cProd.ProductFullName = quoteLn.Product2.Name;

                                    cProd.Franchise = '';

                                    cProd.Bonus = '';

                                    cProd.QuantityLineValue = (Integer)quoteLn.Quantity;

                                    cProd.UnitPriceLineValue = quoteLn.UnitPrice;

                                    cProd.TotalPriceLineValue = quoteLn.TotalPrice;




                    }else if(parentType == 'Plano' && quoteType == 'Franquia'){


                            QuoteLineItem planQuote = mapString.get(reliesOnId);

                            cProd.ProductFullName = planQuote.Product2.Name;

                            cProd.Franchise = quoteLn.Product2.Name;

                            cProd.QuantityLineValue = (Integer)quoteLn.Quantity;

                            cProd.Bonus = '';

                            cProd.UnitPriceLineValue = quoteLn.UnitPrice;

                            cProd.TotalPriceLineValue = quoteLn.TotalPrice;

                            mapPDFWrapper.put(cProd.Franchise, new List<CustomProduct>{cProd});






            for(List<CustomProduct> listPDFWrapper : mapPDFWrapper.values()){




            output.put('tokenMap', JSON.serialize(pW));


            //System.debug('#drProcessResult: '+drProcessResult);

            System.debug('#OUTPUT: '+output);

            System.debug('#products: '+pW.products);

            System.debug('########## END PME_QuotePDF.getTokenData');

            return true;

        } catch (Exception e) {

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Exception type caught: ' + e.getTypeName());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Message: ' + e.getMessage());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Cause: ' + e.getCause());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Line number: ' + e.getLineNumber());

            System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Stack trace: ' + e.getStackTraceString());

            return false;




    global class TransformGetQuoteDetails


        public List<CustomProduct> products { get; set; }

        public String SalesMobilePhoneNumber { get; set; }

        public String CustomerQuoteNumber { get; set; }

        public String BusinessDocumentNumber { get; set; }

        public String DealerFullName { get; set; }

        public String SalesEmail { get; set; }

        public String CustomerFullName { get; set; }

        public String GrandTotalPriceValue { get; set; }

        public Integer ProposalValidity { get; set; }

        public String SalesFullName { get; set; }

        public String RTB_CommercialCondition { get; set; }



    global class CustomProduct


        public Double TotalPriceLineValue { get; set; }

        public Integer QuantityLineValue { get; set; }

        public Double UnitPriceLineValue { get; set; }

        public String ProductFullName { get; set; }

        public String Bonus { get; set; }

        public String Franchise { get; set; }


    class CustomTokenDataExtractorException extends Exception {





1 reply


Hi ahastenreiter, I am currently in the same situation as you described in the original post. 

I would be really interested if you were able to find a solution and would be very grateful if you could share it with me. 

Kind regards, Jacob
