I am struggling to write an if then statement for a null condition. Here is what i am trying to do:
If all fields have content in Salesforce, show this way:
Attendee Name, Attendee Title
If there is no title in Salesforce, show this way:
Attendee Name
Here is the code I am putting in Word
<<Attendee_Attendee_First_Name>> <<Attendee_Attendee_Last_Name>> { IF <<Attendee_Title_Form>> = “” “” “, <<Attendee_Title_Form>>” *MERGEFORMAT}
When I run the report - I get this:
First Last IF Title = “” “” “, Title”
or if there is no title - I get this:
First Last IF = “” “” “,”
I can't figure out how to write the code in Word. Any help would be appreciated
Thank you,
Karen Himes
Western Energy Institute