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This is a really wonky two-part Word document requirement.   


1. I created a row table to display a custom related list. If there is no data to display, I don't want the empty/blank table to display. How does one do this?


2. In a row table, can I have conditional formatting to display Quote record fields IF a specific Product is selected from the standard Products functionality?





For your first question, you would select 'Delete table if no records' on your relationship to your custom object/custom related list. Refer to attached screen shot. 


Can you share more information or provide an example of the formatting you would like on your list of records for the different SKUs? Can you also let us know if you see the SKU/product field in the filtering portion of the 'relationship' as highlighted in the same screen shot?



Thank you @DocFather_Ray ! That's what I was missing.


I solved part two with MS Word merge fields. 
