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Whenever a custom report is created in workspace we see an error that a report with that name already exists. The name is changed on the report but it still says that we have a name that is already in use. Can not create custom reports.


We should check if there are any orphaned values for a custom report with that name in the Workspace.Report table in the K2 DB:

SELECT * FROM MK2].]Workspace].]Report]

Please replace REPORT NAME HERE with your custom report name that has been deleted.

If a deleted report name still shows up here in the DB then it most likely has been orphaned and that would explain why a report with that name can not be created.


Upon getting on a call with customer we saw that we no longer had the naming issue with our custom reports. We created a report named "Test Report" and there were no complaints about the name of this report. We used some dummy information on the report and then saved it. We noticed however that afterwards we could not find the report. We then went back and created another report and made sure that we saved the report in not the public root directory. We chose a specific category to save this report under. After that we easily found the report and could run it as we saw fit. The important note here is that the report can not be saved in the root of the public categories known as the "Public Folder".

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