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When I deployed a workflow, the process hierarchy names are displaying differently than what I see in K2 Designer -- this is not the case with other processes. Why is this particular one displaying differently? How can I change the way it displays in K2 Workspace?

Also, version info seems different.


Compared the naming hierarchy of two workflows that we have in K2 Designer. When viewed in workspace we saw that the workflow for another project's workflow in designer pulled from the top most category name which had a more descriptive name about the workflow ' Approval Workflow]'. The current project was in a similar category structure but did not pull from the project name category which was the topmost category it put it under 'Workflows' in the workspace processes. This is the direct category name, the closest folder that the workflow is contained in. We noticed that the workflow we were currently looking at had not been deployed. Workspace possibly getting workflow from somewhere else. If it has not been deployed it shouldn't show in workspace.


The reason the Workflow in Designer for oApproval Workflow] was not matching versions and naming was because they were not the same workflow. Workspace was viewing a workflow with the same name that was done in K2 Studio. User had initially created this workflow in designer and then exported it to K2 Studio to integrate it with a sharepoint list. Integrated workflows can not be generated in Sharepoint 2007. He continued to work with the hApproval Workflow] in K2 Studio and deployed the workflow from here. When Deploying a workflow from K2 Studio it pulls the name of the project it is contained in for the name to use under processes in workspace. The name of the project in K2 Studio was 'Workflows' so that is why in workspace it was showing under 'Workflows' Instead of 'fApproval Workflow]'. Renaming the project and redeploying the workflow showed it named correctly and had the correct version number. Old named workflow still existed but could be deleted.

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