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When my process moves from my Start activity to my 1st activity, I am using K2Rom to access the worklist item through the passed in serial number, add some stuff and then I use the Finish() method of the worklistitem. At this point all is well and the process moves to the 2nd activity. When I try to replicate this in my 2nd activity, ie: access the worklistitem through the serial number and then use the Finish() method of the worklistitem to go to my 3rd activity, I get an error: Worklistitem not found. Debugging through C# shows the worklistitem, and I am able to update datafields in the 2nd activity. The problem only comes when I try to "Finish". Am I using the correct method of the worklistitem to progress to the next activity?
Worklist item serial numbers are generated per destination. The destination user for the first activity will have a different serial number to the destination user for the second. The first serial number will become invalid after the first worklist item is completed.
