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Hi All

I'm trying to sort a use'rs worklist by a process data field. It doesn't error and shows all the correct worklist items but it doesn't sort.  Any ideas what's wrong? (Sequence Number is an integer with default 0 and is definitely populated according to the workspace)


WorklistCriteria crit = new WorklistCriteria();
crit.AddSortField(WCField.ProcessData, "Sequence Number", WCSortOrder.Ascending);
Worklist wk = K2Con.OpenWorklist(crit);
foreach (WorklistItem wki in wk)
       //do stuff

This has been logged as a bug in SP1.  From what I see, it has been fixed and the fix will be included with the next version 0807.

Thanks Johnny.

Any idea when 0807 will be available?

Also, does my code look like it should work?  As it doesn't throw an error (it just doesn't sort) I'm tempted to leave the code in place so it'll magically start working when 0807 is installed.  Just wondering if the code is correct and what your thoughts on that is?


It is targeted for end of the July or early August.  This might change if there are any critical showstoppers found in the QA test cycle.

 As for your code, it does look correct so I guess it should work after you port to 0807 and you update your referenced workflow client assemblies to 0807.

That's cool - not too long to wait.

Sorry - I'm not really good at the whole installing stuff (usually hand that over to our infrastructure team and I just do dev stuff) so I'd just like to clarify your last comment.  Am I right in thinking I will have to modify the solution (the referenced assemblies) and redeploy?  I had assumed it'd pick those up automatically!

Thanks for all your help!

Just to clarify.  Your solution might be making local references to the K2 assemblies and copying them locally.  So that would mean that your solution might have a copy of the K2 assemblies in the same solution.  If you update the K2 components but not your solution binaries, you might end up referencing an older copy of the K2 assemblies.

Ah I see, that makes sense.

Thanks for your help!
