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I have a Smart Object that contains a function which retrieves a list of SharePoint users, I used the SmartObject Service Tester to test this function and it is getting the complete list.

I have a K2 role that maps the destinations using this SmartObject Function, but unfortunately the K2 task or Worklist Item doesn't reach all the users.


The Users that are retrieved by the SmartObject Service Tester:

domainNameUser1, domainNameUser2, domainNameUser3, .... , domainNameUser15

When I check the worklist from the K2 management console, not all the users have the task only some of them.

I removed the SmartObject from the role and added 3 users manually so that the role only contains those three users, and the task reaches the three. 

Does K2 have a maximum number of users in a Role, or maximum number or users per task, if yes where is this configuration?


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