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Worklist Error - Cannot read property 'split' of null


we have an urgent issue that is currently blocking all users from viewing worklist items.

basically we have a smart form, that has the worklist component in it, and unfortunately it is stuck loading with the green spinner in production.

The form is under Runtime/Runtime.

An image of the issue is attached.

This happens in all browsers, IE 9-11, Chrome, Firefox, etc.


Had to update the WebService URL's GUID to match the original GUID for the Field . By the looks of it , the Field had been recreated or overwritten at a previous stage and the GUID changed . The Worklist Control appears to load the Env Field up using a Static GUID Value

IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM OEnvironment].tField] WHERE FieldName = 'Web Service URL SSL' AND FieldId = '4F2CF263-C40A-4D2C-B115-EB9F5DDD94AE')
DECLARE @return_value int

EXEC @return_value = Environment].tAddField]
@FieldId = N'4F2CF263-C40A-4D2C-B115-EB9F5DDD94AE',
@TemplateId = N'CFAEF87A-FF85-47D4-8BA0-E3C93EFD8D5F',
@EnvironmentId = N'1BDA9DED-B8F9-404D-A8D9-801A195D16F9',
@TypeId = N'EE44826F-FD7D-470B-BC60-80EDD0FFC09D',
@IsDefault = 1,
@FieldName = N'Web Service URL SSL',
@FieldDescription = N'Web Service SSL URL',
@FieldValue = N', -- This should be your Web Service URL SSL field
@UserFullName = N'K2WorkflowInstaller',
@ModifyTime = N'2014-06-24 04:53:50.010'
PRINT N'Web Service URL environment field created'
PRINT N'Environment already field exists.'

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